NASOM Indie-Pop Duo „ATZUR“ / Cultural Forum Tehran

NASOM (New Austrian Sound of Music) pop music at its best will be shown on the virtual stage in Iran in early June 2021. The NASOM band "Atzur", consisting of singer and pianist Patricia...

Austrian treasures in the Academic Library / Embassy Tallinn

2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the recognition of Estonia by the Republic of Austria and the establishment of diplomatic relations. On the occasion of this anniversary - Austria recognized Estonia de jure on...

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach / Embassy Athens

"No one writes like a god who has not suffered like a dog." Marie von Ebner- Eschenbach (1830-1916) wrote against prejudices and established thoughts of her time. Without the support of her aristocratic entourage...

GENDER & POWER / Cultural Forum New Delhi

As part of an Indo-Austrian project, Linz-based media artist Marlene REISCHL and Delhi-based artist Chavi ASRANI each produced a digital work on the theme GENDER & POWER. The two documented their work in the...

Shmuel Barzilai in the Great Choral Synagogue / Cultural Forum Moscow

Date: 25.05.2021Venue: St. Petersburg Synagogue, Lermontovsky Prospekt, 2Performances by:Principal Cantor of the Vienna Synagogue Shmuel BarzilaiSoloist of the Mariinsky Theater Lev ElgardtSoloist of the Saint Petersburg Philharmonic Taras Trepel, celloThe Symphonic Orchestra "Tavrichesky", artistic...

22. poesiefestival berlin / Cultural Forum Berlin

Under the motto "There lies Europe," the 22nd poesiefestival berlin celebrates the poetry of Europe in all its diversity of forms and languages and, despite the pandemic, builds poetic bridges across the continent. 150...

Round-Table: Gender Mainstreaming / Embassy Seoul

Reflecting International Women's Day on March 8, a round table discussion at the Austrian ambassador's residence in Seoul was devoted to gender equality. The all-female panel, drawn from Korea and Austria, consisted of a...

Austria musically represented on Europe Day / Embassy Tunis

The European anthem was intoned by the Aureum Saxophone Quartet on May 9 in Tunis : the Austrian saxophone ensemble offered a successful start of the event series in Tunisia with the Europe music...

TIME SPACE EXISTENCE / Cultural Forum Milan

Adriana Torres is a Colombian artist living and working in Linz. Her work ÜM_ÜBERMENSCHLICH sets in the context of the Venice Architecture Biennale from May 22 to November 21, 2021 with the motto TIME...

Kruder & Dorfmeister as guests in the virtual Cultural Forum Warsaw

"Im_Studio: Behind the Scenes of Sound Production", the successful online Music Talk series of the Austrian Cultural Forum Warsaw, celebrates its first birthday. It is addressed to all those who are interested in the...