Beyond surrealism / Cultural Forum Mexico City

The Cultural Forum of the Austrian Embassy in Mexico is pleased to invite you to the first face-to-face event in over a year:On June 3, 2021, the exhibition "Más alla del Surrealismo" (Beyond Surrealism),...

Anniversary concert / Beijing Cultural Forum

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Austria and China, an anniversary concert will be held at the famous Winland Financial Center in Beijing on May 29,...

Julya Rabinowich / Embassy Copenhagen

Austrian writer Julya Rabinowich will read in English from her debut novel "Spaltkopf" (English title: "Splithead"), with which she won the Rauris Literature Prize in 2009, as part of this year's Jewish Culture Festival...

Three new publications on Thomas Bernhard / Cultural Forum Rome

Thomas Bernhard would have turned 90 this February. Three interesting new publications on the Austrian writer will be the focus of a book presentation at the Cultural Forum on May 31 at 2:30 p.m.:...

ANIMATRICKS – Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Special presentation / Embassy Helsinki

The international animation film festival Animatricks in Helsinki presented in its online edition in cooperation with Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Festival the curated program "Of Journeys, Affairs of the Heart and Peripheries". In addition, Austrian animation...

Potentiality of the Unnecessary / Cultural Forum Brussels

In their performance "Potentiality of the Unnecessary" (PotU), dancer Mimi Wascher and philosophical practitioner Paul Möstl explore the limitations and hidden possibilities of movement in urban public space. To what extent is it possible...

Booktrailer Competition / Cultural Forum Madrid

We want to inspire the Spanish youth for Austrian literature! Therefore, KF Madrid, in cooperation with the Complutense University and the research group "Parefras", has announced the first Booktrailer competition under the motto "Discover...

Europe Day and Europe Month in the Republic of Moldova / Embassy Chisinau

In the context of Europe Day 9 May 2021, the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova hosted a series of events organized jointly with the EU Member States. Among others, Austria was represented...

DAN_CE_LLO – Hausgemacht / Cultural Forum Bern

The extraordinary duo DAN_CE_LLO has produced an exclusive online concert performance for the Austrian Cultural Forum in Bern. With music by the Swiss composer Arthur Honegger (world premiere), Austrian compositions by Gabriele Proy and...

Toru Takemitsu Composition Award 2021 / Cultural Forum Tokyo

Austrian composer Jakob Gruchmann emerged as one of the four finalists of the Toru Takemitsu Composition Award 2021 from 91 entries from 32 countries. His composition "TEHOM" for large orchestra, together with the three...