Christopher Mavrič – „Alt werden“ / Cultural Forum Zagreb

In their portrait series, Styrian photographer Christopher Mavrič and journalist Stefan Schlögl give a voice to people who are rarely heard. They are people on the margins of our society, due to their age...

Shanghai Art Collection Museum / General Consulate Shanghai

The Shanghai Art Collection Museum presents a focus on Austrian jewelry art as part of the 11th International Exhibition of Traditional Fine Arts. This group exhibition is not about the concept of tradition per...

Madama Butterfly / Cultural Forum Belgrade

The ballet co-production "Madama Butterfly" of the Europaballett St. Pölten with the Serbian National Theater Novi Sad celebrated its premiere on May 14 and 18 in the sold-out Great Hall in Novi Sad.The first...

EAST – WEST / Cultural Forum Bern

XYLON, the international association of woodcutters, presents a traveling exhibition in a cooperation between XYLON Austria & Switzerland. After the two presentations in the Bildungshaus Batschuns and Laa an der Thaya, the presentation in...

CINEMATHEK – „Alles Architektur“ / Cultural Forum Berlin

To mark the 20th anniversary of the Austrian Embassy Berlin building designed by Hans Hollein, our CINEMATHEK is all about "Everything is Architecture". After "Liebe Geschichte," the second Austrian film on our architecture focus...

Marvelous Human Being / Cultural Forum New York

In 1970, Thomas Bernhard, Austria's most famous and critical playwright of his time, sat on a park bench in Hamburg and reflected on life. Austrian filmmaker Ferry Radax captured Bernhard's monologue for three days...

When Gesture Becomes Event / Cultural Forum Ljubljana

The flagship project of the Neighborhood Dialogue Austria Slovenia 2019/2020 is the group exhibition of Austrian and Slovenian women artists When Gesture Becomes Event. The exhibition is the result of the collaboration between the...

Witches, Orientalism & Unconsciousness as Protagonists of Viennese Modernity / Cultural Forum Warsaw

Through the artistic works of Ana Hoffner and Anka Leśniak, artifacts and historical phenomena of Viennese modernism are addressed, but also re-articulated. The Austrian artist Ana Hoffner reflects on the question of Habsburg colonialism...

Visage(s) d‘Europe / Cultural Forum Paris

For Europe Day, EUNIC Paris organized with the ÖKF Paris and other European cultural institutes, as well as the collective FETART, the photo exhibition Visage(s) d'Europe. This exhibition in public space, in the heart...

FOR THE CHILD / Cultural Forum London

The Austrian Cultural Forum London opens its doors again and deals with the exhibition "For the Child/ Für das Kind" with the Kindertransports to Great Britain. The Kindertransports enabled over 10,000 children (including 4,000...