Chambre Double / Cultural Forum Paris

Leander Schönweger's "The Submarine" is his first exhibition in France.The space Leander Schönweger builds for this first exhibition in France in the almost invisible "Small Gallery" is also about experiencing a mental space that...

Interview with Erwin Einzinger / Cultural Forum Bucharest

The series of Romanian translations of the "SchreibART online" talks, which the Cultural Forum Bucharest is preparing with German studies students from several universities of the country, is continued with Erwin Einzinger's talk about...

Rejuvenating Two Historical Sites in Shahjahanabad – The Old Delhi City / Cultural Forum...

After the official launch of the project "Rejuvenating Two Historical Sites in Shahjahanabad - The Old Delhi City" on June 15, 2021 in virtual format, the first concrete step towards its implementation will take...

Austrian film ANGELO in Singapore / Embassy Singapore

From May 6 to 23, 2021, the European Film Festival Singapore took place for the 30th time. With 23 films from as many European countries, it was possible to show the wide range of...

Audiowalk: More or less / Cultural Forum London

Together with the artist duo Sööt/Zeyringer, Cultural Forum London invites its audience to take a walk through their own neighborhood.The audio walk, led by Tiina Sööt and Dorothea Zeyringer, lets you see the neighborhood...

Austrian Film Week in Ukraine / Cultural Forum Kiev

For the 10th time, the Austrian Film Week will take place in Ukraine from July 15-20. This year's program includes the feature films Narziss und Goldmund (2020, directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky), Fuchs im Bau...

Purple is the Color / Cultural Forum Warsaw

Purple is the Color, one of the leading representatives of the young Austrian jazz scene, will perform in Warsaw at the Old Town Jazz Festival and in Krakow as part of the Summer Jazz...

“Sotto le stelle dell’Austria” – “Unter Österreichs Sternen” / Cultural Forum Rome

The traditional open-air cinema "Sotto le stelle dell'Austria" will take place again this year in the garden of the ÖKF Rome. In its 9th edition, the summer cinema once again makes it its mission...

Lukas Pürmayr & Wang Ai / Cultural Forum Beijing

Cultural Forum Beijing presents the exhibition "Blow Up; Reflecting on Surface" curated by Alexandra Grimmer from June 19, 2021 - August 10, 2021 in Beijing/China.For the presentation of their works at Hinterseer Space in...

Mario Rom’s Interzone / Embassy Helsinki

Austrian jazz trio Mario Rom's Interzone is coming to Finland for a week-long tour with their new album "Eternal Fiction" at the end of July 2021.Interzone are Mario ROM (trumpet), Lukas KRANZELBINDER (bass) and...