Trio Klavis / Austrian Embassy Rabat

On the occasion of the Austrian National Day on October 26th, the Austrian Embassy in Rabat is pleased to present the music ensemble Trio...

Festival Belgrade SAXperience / Cultural Forum Belgrade

The established saxophone festival "Belgrade SAXperience" has made its seventh edition hybrid, with online and live concerts and digital master classes. The venture has...

Video installation: “Opus 2020 – Variations” by Dominik Nostitz / Cultural Forum Brussels

In "Opus 2020 - Variations" the Austrian artist Dominik Nostitz deals with different opinions, memories & encounters around the person Beethoven. In a livestream...

IF – Social Design for Sustainable Cities / Cultural Forum Warschau

EUNIC Warsaw, the cluster of national cultural institutes of EU member states in the Polish capital, strives to create links between culture and society....

Björn Kämmerer – TEAL – Festival des Cinémas différents / Cultural Forum Paris

In the context of the French film festival "Festival des Cinémas différents", which focuses on experimental filmmaking and this year will be held in...

German language theater cycle “Theaterwelt” / Cultural Forum Mexico City

In October 2020 Mexico will finally be able to go to the theater again! The biennial German-language theater cycle "Theaterwelt" had to be postponed...

WOS UNGUAZ / Cultural Forum Berlin

"WOS UNGUAZ" could not take place in May at the Austrian Cultural Forum Berlin as planned due to the Corona Pandemic. Without further ado,...

Spaces of no control / Cultural Forum New York

The Austrian Cultural Forum New York is presenting "Spaces of No Control", an international group exhibition dealing with the ideas of the modern city...

„Intermission Austria“ / Cultural Forum Warschau

"Unsound", the renowned Krakow festival for music and visual arts, will take place online from 1-11.10.2020. This year it is under the motto "Intermission"....

I Belong To Vienna – Anna Goldenberg / Cultural Forum New York

In the biographical family novel "Versteckte Jahre" (Zsolnay, 2018), the Viennese author and FALTER journalist Anna Goldenberg, who lived in New York for several...