Elisabeth Sula / Cultural Forum Brussels

Avantgarde of consciousness

In her new exhibition “Avantgarde of Consciousness,” Austrian artist Elisabeth Sula takes the media’s portrayal of the Covid 19 pandemic as a starting point to reconsider global problems such as famine, environmental degradation, and the refugee crisis. In this context, she offers “Avant Garde of Consciousness,” a constructive vision for the future. While on the one hand this vision emphasizes the individuality of the individual, it also places the individual in a collective context.
Together, these works form a union of vibrant color and declarative determination. “When anxiety manifests as a kind of powerlessness,” according to art critic Elizabeth Breiner, “Sula’s work is a call to consciousness that prioritizes conscientiousness, an overt appeal that begins with the prescription of written text, then merges with streams of abstract, interpretive color.”

The digital exhibition can be viewed on the YouTube channel of the Austrian Cultural Forum Brussels from March 18 – May 18, 2021.