Valerie Fritsch „Herzklappen von Johnson & Johnson“ / Cultural Forum Berlin
Alma and Friedrich have a child who cannot feel pain. Constantly worried about her boy, it is above all Alma who checks him incessantly...
24 hours in the life of a woman / Cultural Forum Moscow
This lyrical musical by the Austro-Russian composer Sergei Dreznin was born in Paris. With Stefan Zweig's masterpiece as its basis, the musical exposes the...
RE-POSE / Cultural Forum Bratislava
Digital tour from March 10 - April 23, 2021 on the YouTube channel of the Austrian Cultural Forum Bratislava.
The installation explores the curiosity of...
Mozart on a Sitar / Cultural Forum New Delhi
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is also widely known in India. On Friday, March 12, 2021, the Austrian Cultural Forum New Delhi will offer the Indian...
Which family(ies) for which society(ies) in Europe today? / Cultural Forum Budapest
A particularly exciting topic in the current social and political situation in Hungary.This international colloquium on March 26th, 2021 is organized by the Joseph...
Imperium Romanum 2005-2020 /Cultural Forum Milan
Imperium Romanum 2005 -2020 is a large photo-documentary project - conceptual, temporal and spatial - that explores the roots and interconnections of European and...
Foggia Film Festival / Cultural Forum Rome
Cavalcade by Johann Lurf, Sabaudia by Lotte Schreiber and The Woman Who Turned Into A Castle by Kathrin Steinbacher are the three Austrian short...
Live more sustainably! / Cultural Forum Bucharest
Appropriate to the beginning of Lent, Kulturforum Bucharest invites Creative Austrian David Groß to present his internationally acclaimed project "wastecooking" in the context of...
MORAG YOU’RE A LONG TIME DEID / Cultural Forum Ottawa
Through the initiative of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Ottawa, a virtual artist talk with the young Austrian director Peter Lorenz and the Scottish-Canadian...
„Three with a Pen” / Cultural Forum New York
The Austrian Cultural Forum New York is pleased to present the exhibition "Three with a Pen. Lily Renée, Bil Spira, and Paul Peter Porges"...