22. poesiefestival berlin / Cultural Forum Berlin

Under the motto "There lies Europe," the 22nd poesiefestival berlin celebrates the poetry of Europe in all its diversity of forms and languages and,...

Round-Table: Gender Mainstreaming / Embassy Seoul

Reflecting International Women's Day on March 8, a round table discussion at the Austrian ambassador's residence in Seoul was devoted to gender equality. The...

Austria musically represented on Europe Day / Embassy Tunis

The European anthem was intoned by the Aureum Saxophone Quartet on May 9 in Tunis : the Austrian saxophone ensemble offered a successful start...

TIME SPACE EXISTENCE / Cultural Forum Milan

Adriana Torres is a Colombian artist living and working in Linz. Her work ÜM_ÜBERMENSCHLICH sets in the context of the Venice Architecture Biennale from...

Kruder & Dorfmeister as guests in the virtual Cultural Forum Warsaw

"Im_Studio: Behind the Scenes of Sound Production", the successful online Music Talk series of the Austrian Cultural Forum Warsaw, celebrates its first birthday. It...

ACFNY Live-Stream-Sessions / Cultural Forum New York

Kulturforum NY proudly presents ACFNY Live Stream Sessions - live concerts streamed directly from the auditorium of Kulturforum.The series kicked off on April 28...

“Anger and Silence” / Cultural Forum Sarajevo

At the end of April, the Austrian Cultural Forum Sarajevo organized an online reading of the author Sandra Gugic, who presented her new novel...

Online Symposium LUDWIG WITTGENSTEIN / Cultural Forum London

To mark the 100th anniversary of the publication of the German edition of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, KF London, together with the British Wittgenstein...

Austrian Film Week / Cultural Forum Tel Aviv

As many as seven Israeli cinematheques - in the north, south and center of the country - have the Austrian Film Week 2021, organized...

Photo exhibition Marko Zink / Beijing Cultural Forum

Exhibition of the Austrian photographer Marko Zink from 14.05.2021 - 10.06.2021 in Guangzhou, China. On May 14, 2021, KF/OSTA Beijing's "Water, what?" event will...