Witches, Orientalism & Unconsciousness as Protagonists of Viennese Modernity / Cultural Forum Warsaw

Through the artistic works of Ana Hoffner and Anka Leśniak, artifacts and historical phenomena of Viennese modernism are addressed, but also re-articulated. The Austrian...

Visage(s) d‘Europe / Cultural Forum Paris

For Europe Day, EUNIC Paris organized with the ÖKF Paris and other European cultural institutes, as well as the collective FETART, the photo exhibition...

FOR THE CHILD / Cultural Forum London

The Austrian Cultural Forum London opens its doors again and deals with the exhibition "For the Child/ Für das Kind" with the Kindertransports to...

Beyond surrealism / Cultural Forum Mexico City

The Cultural Forum of the Austrian Embassy in Mexico is pleased to invite you to the first face-to-face event in over a year:On June...

Anniversary concert / Beijing Cultural Forum

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Austria and China, an anniversary concert will be held at...

ANIMATRICKS – Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Special presentation / Embassy Helsinki

The international animation film festival Animatricks in Helsinki presented in its online edition in cooperation with Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Festival the curated program "Of...

Potentiality of the Unnecessary / Cultural Forum Brussels

In their performance "Potentiality of the Unnecessary" (PotU), dancer Mimi Wascher and philosophical practitioner Paul Möstl explore the limitations and hidden possibilities of movement...

Europe Day and Europe Month in the Republic of Moldova / Embassy Chisinau

In the context of Europe Day 9 May 2021, the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova hosted a series of events organized jointly...

Austrian treasures in the Academic Library / Embassy Tallinn

2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the recognition of Estonia by the Republic of Austria and the establishment of diplomatic relations. On the occasion...

GENDER & POWER / Cultural Forum New Delhi

As part of an Indo-Austrian project, Linz-based media artist Marlene REISCHL and Delhi-based artist Chavi ASRANI each produced a digital work on the theme...