Online training for young diplomats / Embassy Beirut

The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna conducted a two-day online training course for 22 young diplomats of the Lebanese Foreign Ministry in early June. The...

Saison de la Francophonie 2021 / Embassy Nicosia

As part of the celebration of the Saison de la Francophonie 2021, the Austrian Embassy Nicosia presented the 2018 film "Angelo" by Markus Schleinzer...

„Dance festival Moving In November / Traces“ / Embassy Helsinki

"The Voice of a City" is a multi-disciplinary project that processes everyday experiences from across Europe, combining fiction, fact, memory and interpretation. Between 2015...

Shanghai Art Collection Museum / General Consulate Shanghai

The Shanghai Art Collection Museum presents a focus on Austrian jewelry art as part of the 11th International Exhibition of Traditional Fine Arts. This...

Julya Rabinowich / Embassy Copenhagen

Austrian writer Julya Rabinowich will read in English from her debut novel "Spaltkopf" (English title: "Splithead"), with which she won the Rauris Literature Prize...

ANIMATRICKS – Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Special presentation / Embassy Helsinki

The international animation film festival Animatricks in Helsinki presented in its online edition in cooperation with Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Festival the curated program "Of...

Europe Day and Europe Month in the Republic of Moldova / Embassy Chisinau

In the context of Europe Day 9 May 2021, the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova hosted a series of events organized jointly...

Austrian treasures in the Academic Library / Embassy Tallinn

2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the recognition of Estonia by the Republic of Austria and the establishment of diplomatic relations. On the occasion...

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach / Embassy Athens

"No one writes like a god who has not suffered like a dog." Marie von Ebner- Eschenbach (1830-1916) wrote against prejudices and established thoughts...

Round-Table: Gender Mainstreaming / Embassy Seoul

Reflecting International Women's Day on March 8, a round table discussion at the Austrian ambassador's residence in Seoul was devoted to gender equality. The...