2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the recognition of Estonia by the Republic of Austria and the establishment of diplomatic relations. On the occasion of this anniversary – Austria recognized Estonia de jure on June 11, 1921 – Ambassador Dr. Julius Lauritsch will open an exhibition of collectibles from the holdings of the Academic Library of Tallinn University in the presence of invited guests on June 11, 2021 and give a brief overview of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
The book exhibition “Austrian Treasures in the Baltic Collection of the Academic Library” will display Austrian works from the 17th and 18th centuries. On display will be, among others, a Bible in color print (1714, Vienna), a textbook on Beethoven’s works (1834, the only copy in the Baltic countries), and notes written in W. A. Mozart’s own hand. A. Mozart written notes from 1791 – manuscript of solo cadenzas of the 27th piano concerto: “Cadenza per il 1:mo Allegro: del Mozart”, “Entrance in Rondó” and “Cadenza per il Rondó”. (The composer used to write cadenzas of piano concertos separately, on loose sheets). The manuscript came to Estonia thanks to the Baltic-German artist Gustav Adolf Hippius, who visited Vienna in 1816 and bought Mozart’s autographs. Mozart’s sister Maria Anna von Sonnenburg also confirmed the authenticity of the notes. In 1868, the artist’s widow donated Mozart’s cadenzas to the Estonian Historical Museum.
The museum will make the valuable piece available on loan to the Academic Library for the exhibition celebrating 100 years of diplomatic relations.
As a supporting program, a pianist will perform the solo cadenzas by W.A. Mozart to the audience after the opening of the exhibition.
The exhibition will remain open until June 30.