On the website of the Inter-University Research Network Elfriede Jelinek of the University of Vienna and the Music and Art Private University Vienna as well as on the Youtube channel of the Austrian Cultural Forum Warsaw, starting on May 1, 2021, the Austrian-Polish interdisciplinary online symposium “Elfriede Jelinek. Art.Politics.Morality” can be followed. This is the culmination of the research focus “Art & Politics”, which, based on Elfriede Jelinek’s works, deals with aspects of political aesthetics and explores the connections between art, politics and morality. The tensions between art and morality, the position of intellectuals in different political systems, repression and scandalization of critical art in international comparison, and the possibilities of political aesthetics between postmodernism and populism will be discussed.
The symposium, organized by the Inter-University Research Network Elfriede Jelinek of the University of Vienna and the Music and Art Private University Vienna in partnership with the Austrian Cultural Forum Warsaw, the City of Vienna, the Tanzquartier Wien and the Warsaw Theatre TR, connects the academic and artistic locations of Vienna and Warsaw.
The participants of the symposium are: Dirk D’Ase, Zuzana Augustovà, Claudia Breger, Rosemarie Brucher, Bożena Chołuj, Łukasz Chotkowski, Oskar Deutsch, Didier Eribon, Karoline Exner, Silke Felber, Olga Flor, Tatjana Griessler, Mumina Hafez, Andrea Heinz, Pia Janke, Agnieszka Jezierska-Wiśniewska, Brigitte Jirku, Katarzyna Kalwat, Jens Kastner, Agata Koszulińska, Stefan Krammer, Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, Sona MacDonald, Anna Majkiewicz, Oliver Marchart, Anita Mayer-Hirzberger, Julia Mikusch, Monika Muskała, Junghyun Oh, Anton Pelinka, Artur Pełka, Doron Rabinovici, Linus Rastegar, Christian Schenkermayr, Stefan Schmidl, Nikolaus Selimov, Maciej A. Soborczyk, Daniela Strigl, Natascha Strobl, Miroslava Svolikova, Weronika Szczawińska, Monika Szczepaniak, Kristine Tornquist, Heidemarie Uhl, Doris Uhlich, David Weberman, and Sabrina Weinzettl.
The interdisciplinary Austrian-Polish online symposium will also present excerpts from Elfriede Jelinek’s production of Rechnitz (Der Würgeengel) at the Theater in der Josefstadt as well as from Wojtek Blecharzʼ Rechnitz. Opera (Anioł Zagłady) will be shown as a recording from the TR Theater in Warsaw.