On April 7, 2021, the German Section at La Manouba University will offer a video reading in cooperation with the Austrian Embassy.
Marlen Haushofer (1920-1970), one of the most important Austrian writers after 1945, is best known today for her novel “The Wall” (1963). In her novels and stories, the gap between reality and a facade that is painstakingly maintained on the outside is a recurring theme. After a brief introduction to the life and work of the writer, Bettina Rossbacher will read the unusual story “I’ll be glad when you’re dead”. Finally, students of the university will present a specially produced video clip on the topic of nature and environmental protection, scenically depicting a transition to Haushofer’s texts. In the work “Die Wand” a woman lives and survives thanks to nature and yet is also threatened by it at the same time – nature is our basis of life, but it can also become our greatest threat if it gets out of balance.
Bettina Rossbacher, a native of Salzburg, is a professional speaker, reciter & creator of literary programs. Since 2008 she has been present with her own as well as co-productions at renowned Austrian venues. The focus of her work is literary portraits of great (old) Austrian women writers; since 2020 also in the form of her own video format.