Christiana Perschon – „Sie ist der andere Blick“ / Cultural Forum Zagreb

Online movie screening

The Austrian Cultural Forum Zagreb is showing the film “She is the other look” from March 8 as part of International Women’s Day.
The memory of the time of humiliating paternalism unites the women in the film, all of whom were born between 1936 and 1943 and were part of the Viennese art scene in the 1970s. They tell of male ignorance and the invisibility that goes with it, of being denied creativity, of only being able to learn everything from men. When the female artists tell of sexual assault, of powerlessness over patriarchal structures in society and family, of being defined by their role as mothers and lack of autonomy, old anger still flashes through. However, the documentary is rather carried by the passion and positivity of its protagonists.