KALLIOPE 2.0 / Cultural Forum Madrid

Interactive exhibition, video reading and documentary film

Too often women have been forgotten, overlooked or marginalized in official history. Therefore, this project of the Cultural Forum Madrid and the OeAD lecturers in Salamanca (Miriam Pieber) and Santiago de Compostela (Sebastian Windisch) aims to trace the last 200 years through the biographies of important Austrian women: strong women who have helped shape their country with talent, willpower and fighting courage. These women make up at least half of Austria’s intellectual identity and are to be honored on the occasion of International Women’s Day in an exemplary manner, aware of the gaps.

The interactive exhibition KALLIOPE 2.0 is a digital preparation of “Kalliope Austria” and was translated and technically prepared with great enthusiasm by students of the Universities of Salamanca and Santiago de Compostela.
Click through and discover Kalliope 2.0!

Link: https://view.genial.ly/5fbbf79ca5becd0d00484bed
A video reading by Bettina Rossbacher about the writer Marlen Haushofer and a documentary film by Cordula Tippel about the actress Dorothea Neff as well as one film each about the Austrian-born Hollywood legend Heidy Lamarr and about the architect Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky (all with Spanish subtitles) complete the program that will be put online on March 8.