Too often, Austrian women have been forgotten, overlooked or marginalized in the official history of their country. All the more important is the attempt of this exhibition of the MFA Austria to let the last 200 years pass by on the basis of the biographies of important Austrian women. Austrian women who have shaped and enriched their country with talent, willpower and fighting courage. Their lives and their works make up at least half of Austria’s intellectual identity and are to be honored here as examples, in the knowledge of the gaps, sometimes scandalous gaps.
The exhibition KALLIOPE Austria reviews the life stories of female aristocrats, artists, salon ladies, scientists, women’s rights activists, politicians, actresses, musicians, directors and others by means of a chronological presentation. The arc spans from the beginning of the 19th century to the present. The central theme is the emancipation of women, with all its triumphs and setbacks. From the desire for freedom in the Biedermeier era to the 21st century, this has brought about a great deal. However, it is also clear that equal rights have not yet been achieved and that there is still a lot to be done.
Mon-Fri 10-17 h*
except on Austrian and Czech holidays
until 10.03.2021